90 Day Guarantee
$20Kper articleSuppressed within 90 days or it's free!
We take action immediately.
Buried in the search results.
Real-time monitoring included.
If it resurfaces, we suppress again for free.
Guaranteed suppression or it’s free!
Sign Up Now
Ongoing Monitoring
FREEFor 12 months!

Ongoing monitoring is included free of charge. This means if the news article resurfaces (or shows signs of resurfacing), we will suppress it again for free.

We have a 97% success rate burying/suppressing news articles.

I want it deleted - is that possible?
It is impossible to have a link deleted without a court order. Anyone that says otherwise is attempting to extort money or scam you. The best (and only) option is suppression.
How far will it be buried?
On average, we get it to the 3rd or 4th page of the search results in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Because our service is guaranteed, we aim to get it buried as far as possible.
What does "suppress" mean?
“Forcibly put an end to, prevent the development, or restrain.” In other words, we make it disappear (bury/push it down) from the first page of the search results.
What keywords will it be suppressed for?
We aim to suppress the news article for a wide range of keywords, but you are able to pick up to 3 specific keywords (such as your name/business name).
What's the guarantee?
If we are unable to bury the news article by getting it off the first page of the search results within 90 days from full payment, it’s 100% free.
When is payment due?
Payment is due within 5 days from the time you place your order. We accept Apple Pay (5% discount), Bank Transfer, Debit Card, or PayPal.

Detailed Updates

Upgrade to receive more frequent and detailed updates on all of your orders.

With this premium support upgrade, you can expect to see detailed order updates posted every 1-5 days (vs 1-3 weeks) for our delete reviews service and every 4-7 days (vs 2-5 weeks) for our suppress links or remove listings service.

Pricing: $500
(expires 30 days after upgrade)

Chat Support

Upgrade to unlock live chat support.

With this premium support upgrade, you can start a live chat with one of our customer service agents who can help answer most questions.

Pricing: $200
(expires 30 days after upgrade)

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