90 Day Guarantee
$250per reviewDeleted within 90 days or it's free!
We take action immediately.
Deleted – NOT pushed down.
Real-time monitoring included.
If reposted, we delete again for free.
Guaranteed deletion or it’s free!
Sign Up Now
30 Day Guarantee
$500per reviewDeleted within 30 days or it's free!

Need a TripAdvisor review deleted even quicker? When choosing our express service, multiple experts will be working to ensure deletion within 30 days (or it’s free)

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We have a 95% success rate getting fake TripAdvisor reviews deleted.

What is the guarantee?
If we are unable to have the fake, misleading, or unfair review(s) deleted within 90 days (or 30 days with our express service), it’s 100% free – seriously.
What if the review is reposted?
Our software scans your page 24/7/365 to ensure none of the deleted TripAdvisor reviews are reposted. If a review is re-posted, we swiftly delete it again – free of charge.
Will I receive updates?
Absolutely! You will be able to track the progress 24/7 in the “My Account” section of our website.
Is Lietect partnered with or part of TripAdvisor?
Lietect is in no way affiliated with, part of, partnered with, or endorsed by TripAdvisor® in any way. Said trademarks are only used to reference, identify, and describe this service.
When is payment due?
Payment is due within 5 days from the time you place your order. We accept payment via Apple Pay (5% discount), Bank Transfer, Debit Card, or PayPal.
What's the average deletion time?
30 days or less, but some take longer than others to delete. Our express plan guarantees deletion within 30 days!

Detailed Updates

Upgrade to receive more frequent and detailed updates on all of your orders.

With this premium support upgrade, you can expect to see detailed order updates posted every 1-5 days (vs 1-3 weeks) for our delete reviews service and every 4-7 days (vs 2-5 weeks) for our suppress links or remove listings service.

Pricing: $500
(expires 30 days after upgrade)

Chat Support

Upgrade to unlock live chat support.

With this premium support upgrade, you can start a live chat with one of our customer service agents who can help answer most questions.

Pricing: $200
(expires 30 days after upgrade)

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