Request a Refund

If the guarantee period has passed, we were not successful, and you have not received a refund confirmation email – use this form to request a refund.

Ensure you fill out this form accurately in order to prevent any additional delays.

Please do not submit a refund request early or submit multiple requests for the same order.

Please allow 5-7 business days for your request to be reviewed.

    Detailed Updates

    Upgrade to receive more frequent and detailed updates on all of your orders.

    With this premium support upgrade, you can expect to see detailed order updates posted every 1-5 days (vs 1-3 weeks) for our delete reviews service and every 4-7 days (vs 2-5 weeks) for our suppress links or remove listings service.

    Pricing: $500
    (expires 30 days after upgrade)

    Chat Support

    Upgrade to unlock live chat support.

    With this premium support upgrade, you can start a live chat with one of our customer service agents who can help answer most questions.

    Pricing: $200
    (expires 30 days after upgrade)

    Request Extension/Refund

    Order Actions